8 - Industry/Transport/Building usage

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These human activities use fossil fuels, fluorinated gases, plastic and fresh water.
Industry, transport, housing are human activities that meet needs (housing, transportation, communication, entertainment, etc.). These human activities require resources: energy (more than 80% of which is of fossil origin) and materials, many of which are metals and minerals.
Chlorinated gases are, for example, CFCs used in cooling systems (refrigerators, air conditioners, etc.), or as propellant gas in aerosol cans, not to be confused with "aerosols" (technical term) which are fine particles in suspended in the air. Chlorinated gases have been replaced by the use of fluorinated gases, which do not destroy the ozone layer.
3Other possible consequences
Concerning transport, there are emissions of aerosols through the wear of the braking systems. For the use of buildings, a major source of aerosol emissions is wood heating, especially with low-efficiency fireplaces.