3 - CO2 emissions

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CO2 (carbon dioxide) is the main gas responsible for the additional greenhouse effect.


CO2 emissions

Deforestation (primary cause of habitat destruction) consists in most cases (93%) of burning trees on site, which very quickly releases the carbon which had been stored during the growth of the trees. This represents a contribution of 15% of global CO2 emissions.

CO2 emissions

The combustion of fossil fuels causes CO2 emissions into the atmosphere. CO2 represents more than 70% of anthropogenic GHGs (greenhouse gases) globally.


CO2 emissions

CO2 is the main greenhouse gas of anthropogenic origin. Part of it is absorbed into natural carbon sinks (oceans and vegetation via photosynthesis). The rest increases the concentration in the atmosphere and accentuates the natural greenhouse effect.

CO2 emissions

The oceans absorbed around 1/4 of CO2 emissions. Dissolving CO2 in water acidifies it.

Wrong consequence

Stratospheric ozone depletion

CO2 emissions

CO2 is not responsible for the destruction of O3 ozone molecules, it is chlorine molecules (which are contained in CFC chlorine gases).