6 - Increase in climatic hazards

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Climate change is already manifesting itself in very diverse ways and the intensity of these phenomena will increase with the increase in temperature. For example, heatwaves will be greater and longer, the rain regime (droughts, intense rains) will be profoundly modified and the intensity of hurricanes will increase. These various climatic hazards can combine and thus worsen their impacts.
Climate change leads to an increase in the frequency and/or intensity of climatic hazards: heatwaves, cyclones, droughts, floods, etc.
Climatic hazards can undermine the effectiveness of certain ecosystem services (megafires which destroy biodiversity habitats and which reduce the capacity to absorb CO2, floods which add salt water to groundwater).
1Andere mögliche Ursache
Deforestation (which is the main cause of land use change) causes additional risks: soil erosion, risk of flooding and muddy water flows.
4Andere möglichen Auswirkungen
It is mainly marine heat waves that kill corals. The “disappearance of corals” map can therefore be linked upstream by the participants to the “climate change” or “increase in climatic hazards” map, of which marine heat waves are a part.
Following floods and cyclones, disaster areas can be exposed to health problems (access to drinking water, spread of diseases).