21 - Biodiversity integrity

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"The threshold for the erosion of biodiversity is measured using 2 variables:
One of them is the rate of extinctions which must be less than 10 extinctions per year and per million species.
The rate of disappearance of living species on our blue planet is 10 to 100 times faster than the average observed over the last 10 million years, which places this border in the zone of significant risks. The losses are irreversible.
The main causes of biodiversity erosion are in order: Destruction of habitats (mainly deforestation), Overexploitation (mainly overfishing), climate change, pollution, proliferation of invasive species.
The primary cause of decline in terrestrial biodiversity is the change in land use (mainly linked to deforestation and a little to the artificialization of land) of fauna and flora. This destroys species habitats.
The second major cause of biodiversity loss is direct exploitation of environments. On land, this translates into intensive agriculture through the use of phytosanitary products (pesticides, herbicides, etc.) and the simplification of natural environments that this entails. At sea, overfishing is the cause.