19 - Ocean acidification

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On the subject, Alarm Clock Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vtTlQ0HZZ2g To calculate the threshold for ocean acidification, we measure the degree of saturation of surface seawater with aragonite, which must not exceed 80% of the pre-industrial value.
1Andere mögliche Auswirkung
Acidification alters the calcification processes which limit the development of corals, shelled animals and plankton which are at the base of the marine food chain. All marine biodiversity is thus threatened. For corals, the main cause of disappearance is not acidification but marine heat waves (climate change)
1Üngültige Ursache
It is not global warming that is causing ocean acidification. These two phenomena (climate change and ocean acidification) have the same cause: CO2 emissions. Part of CO2 emissions (around half) remains in the atmosphere, which increases the greenhouse effect and warms the climate (climate change). Part of CO2 emissions (around 1/4) is absorbed by the oceans. The dissolution of CO2 in the ocean acidifies it. The rest of CO2 emissions (around 1/4) are absorbed by vegetation via photosythesis.